Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dospara GALLERIA ZG 780Ti-SLI Gaming PC

Here we have another newly released gaming PC from Dospara, the GALLERIA ZG 780Ti-SLI. Specs-wise, the system sports a 3.50GHz Intel Core i7-4770K processor, an Intel Z87 Express Chipset, 2x GeForce GTX 780 Ti 3GB graphics card, a 16GB DDR3 RAM, a 180GB SSD (Intel 530), a 3TB hard drive, a Blu-ray drive, a 1000W 80PLUS PLATINUM power supply and runs on Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit OS. The GALLERIA ZG 780Ti-SLI is priced at 359,980 Yen (about $3,528). [Product Page]


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